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Lunes, Agosto 19, 2013


Jobs for Truck Driver

Nature of Job:
Truck Drivers also known as Heavy Duty Drivers are responsible in carrying heavy loads through one pint to its destined locations. It is their job to secure that the needed materials will be delivered on time.

Basic Tasks:
  • Deliver needed materials and cargos to its respective destinations.
  • Check and list the materials/cargos before transport it to its destination
  • Inspect and ensure that the truck is on the right track before moving.
  • Help load and unload delivered materials
  • Give and receive payments or lend official receipts to be signed by the recipient.
  • Drive responsibly, not too slow but not too fast.
  • Secure that the materials to be transferred or delivered will be drop on time and complete as expected.

Education and Training Requirements:
  • Must obtain a High School diploma or short course in any field.
  • Must have an authentic driver’s loscense issued by Land Transporatation Office (LTO)

Salary Information:
Local Employment
  • Local truck Drivers receives P250-P380.00 a day.

Overseas Employment:
  • Saudi Arabia- SAR1,500 or PhP18,960 a month
  • US- USD40,617 or PhP1,925,449 per annum
  • Australia- AUD37,816 or PhP1,359,348 per annum
  • Canada- CAD36,000 or PhP1,475,642 per annum

Skills and Competency Requirements:
  • Must know how to drive heavy duty trucks
  • Knowledge and ability to follow directions
  • Must have strong built and healthy body to carry heavy loads and can stay motivated up to long hours of driving.
  • Knowledge in traffic signs and symbols.
  • Must have the ability and knowledge about fixing heavy duty trucks,
  • Must hold authentic driver’s license.
  • Must have good communication skills.
  • Must be courteous and polite to clients.

Employment Opportunities:
Truck Drivers are still very in demand in Middle East especially in Saudi Arabia where most truck drivers were Filipinos. Countries such as Australia and Canada are also open for heavy duty drivers, especially now that construction industries in the said countries are booming.

Work Condition:
Truck drivers normally spend more time inside the truck, driving for long hours to their main destination. They have to remain strong and active the whole day since they work is quite heavy and they have to maintain alert and focus with their driving.

Work Hours:
Truck Drivers work for long hours; also depend on the distance of their destination. They work up to 8-10 hours a day. Long trips means longer hours of work for Truck Drivers, they’ll be on the road for about 12 hours or longer.

Career Advancement:
There is no specific promotion for Truck Drivers unless the driver has skills in other field in construction. He can shift to a different position such as carpenter and be promoted as Foreman in years to come.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →

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