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Lunes, Agosto 19, 2013


Hiring Jobs for Sewer

Nature of Job:
Sewer often works as a freelancer or hired in a retail factory. They cut, trim, sew and design clothing or shoe apparel according to the company or client’s demand

Basic Tasks:
  • Cut, sew, trim and stitch clothes, shoes and other tailored products.
  • Draw and design clothes and shoes to present to the company or clients
  • Measure client’s vital statistics that will use as a pattern for the clothes.
  • Sew clothes using sewing machine or other stitching machines.
  • Inspect finished product and do finishing touches.
  • Hand stitch edges or linings
  • Iron clothes (not necessary)

Education and Training Requirements:
  • Must have taken vocational or short course in tailoring
  • Must have at least 3-5 years experience as a sewer or tailor

Salary Information:
Local Employment:
  • Local Sewer receives a minimum salary of P380.00 a day.

Overseas Employment:
  • Taiwan- TWD17, 240 or PhP23, 947 a month
  • Cyprus- EUR800 or PhP48, 502 a month

Skills and Competency Requirements:
  • Knowledge in sewing, both hand and machine sewing
  • Knowledge and ability on different kinds of stitches and design
  • Knowledge in different kinds of cloths
  • Knowledge and ability to sew in different kinds of clothes.
  • Knowledge in fashion designing is a plus
  • Knowledge and ability to design wearable and appealing clothes
  • Ability to use sewing machines.
  • Communicates well with the clients.

Employment Opportunities:
Sewers are very much needed in countries where garments are their primary industry such as Taiwan and Cyprus. The salary is quite higher than local salary for sewer plus other incentives life free housing, food, and transportation benefits.

Work Environment:
Sewers often work in a factory or a retail company. They are provided with protective uniforms since they are exposed to big and small sewing machines. Their work is not as tough as other industrial jobs except on peak seasons like summer or Christmas season where orders double.

Work Hours:
Sewer often works for 8-10 hours a day including overtime.

Career Advancement:
Sewers that possess a good performance record and experience can be promoted as Line Leader or Supervisor.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →

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