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Biyernes, Mayo 10, 2013


NBA Playoffs 2013

The NBA Playoffs 2013 are not yet done, but we've definitely seen enough to hand out a few early postseason awards, haven't we? I mean, how many more takeover performances do we need to see from Kevin Durant to know that he's keeping his team alive all by himself? And haven't we watched Tom Thibodeau turn lead into gold often enough to proclaim him the best coach of this postseason? There's plenty of room to debate both the timing and the merits of these awards, but one thing's beyond doubt: Players like Stephen Curry, Roy Hibbert and Metta World Peace (I'll explain later) are deserving of some recognition for their playoff work. Unlike the real MVP award, there's only one voter involved in this process. So each of these honors will be unanimous, which will be a nice change, don't you think?


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →

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